Volunteering at Brooklands
The Centre is a charity run by dedicated volunteers for the benefit the local community.
The only paid members of staff are our Day Club Manager, Deputy Day Club Manager, Centre Administrator and Caretaker (each part-time).
We're always pleased to hear from people who would like to help us run the Centre:
Assist with driving (we have two mini-buses)
Escort members on and off our vehicles
Cook and help in the kitchen
Serve refreshments
Run activities
Help and spend time with our guests
If you have a particular skill, craft or interest you would be willing to share (for example, music, singing, dancing, photography, computer skills, etc) we'd love to hear from you.
All our volunteers are DBS checked and we will arrange this for you. For certain positions, a Food Hygiene Certificate is required. Training can be arranged.
Whatever you fancy doing to help out, we'd love you to ...
